Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Long Live MLB

9PM on the East Coast and I officially LOVE the internet. Anyone who pays homage to those golden days of yore is sadly misguided. You may be asking yourself 'why?' And that's a damn good question.


But as any true baseball fan will tell you, there's nothing like sitting back after the day's work is (nearly) done, enjoying a good game. And right now, we're watching the Yankees teach the Twins how to play ball. Living in Florida, we're watching the locally broadcasted Yankees game live through MLB's web site. A few years ago, the best that we could have hoped for was to catch a gamecast--nothing like little pixellated blobs rounding the bases.

Now, no matter where we are, we can catch newarly every Yankees game live.

Ah, what a great time to be alive. (and it's great to enjoy such simple pleasures in life.)

More tomorrow--


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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Operational Stuff

It's been a busy (telephone and meetings) last 2 days. Nothing like 2 14 hour days filled with nothing but meetings, meetings, documentation, reports and proposals. Good stuff and better than the alternative.

After giving Thunderbird and the open-source crowd a 2 year trial, I've ahd to move back to Microsoft for my contact and communication management. MS Office is expensive, but it's so far ahead of the copmetition for integrated contact and communication management that I literally would be dead in the water without it.

It's going to be a dark day soon--we're going to require that everyone migrate over to MS Office within the next 2 weeks. That scream you hear is the wailing and moaning of our techies.


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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

On a Tuesday Morning

Just returned from a 5 day board meeting/skull session with our Board of Advisors and Investors. We worked out some tactical details, made sure that our strategy was aligned with our overall goals and laid out some short-term executables at the management level.

The first item is to start thinning the herd. We have identified our low and underperforming customers, the ones whose potential has gone unrealized or whose management expenses have become too high, and have started the process of workign with them to migrate their accounts to other service providers--ones whose model lets them run with this type of client successfully; i.e. heavy billing for customer service and support.

While we know that this may cause some discomfort, in the long run everyone will be happier and better served. Our soon-to-be ex-customers will be allowed to work with other companies that are geared to meet their more intensive, hands-on needs for day-to-day production task execution assistance. We will be able to concentrate more of our resources on growth and implementation of business strategic solutions within our Pillar-based framework. Our staff wil be able to execute on the things they do best--problem solving, technical situational projection within a framework of business needs identification.

For those keeping track, in the past month, we're converting leads in the ISP industry, web development industry, marketing and sales industry and retail/services. Florida's a growing place and it's been fun for everyone involved.

And, the Yankees survived Carl Pavano's Opening Day start while Shill was pounded by KC. Nice to be 1 game up already.


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